I am a painter and printmaker, living in Roslin. I also organise exhibitions at Riccio Gallery. I dropped out of art school, had children, studied architecture as a mature student. I lectured in architecture at the University of Liverpool, then moved to the Scottish Civil Service.
I stopped work early to be a carer and returned to making images. I like to work alongside others, learning from many tutors in Edinburgh and from fellow students.
Most of the paintings in the Summer Collection have been hanging in my living room, favourites from the past few years. One of the newest, ‘Fisherrow Harbour, Musselborough’ takes me full circle to early studies of harbour walls ‘Harbour Mouth’ and ‘Harbour Trio’. ‘Springing into Summer’ is a very recent study from Inveresk Lodge Garden, where I spent many happy hours last summer and delight in finding something new with each visit.
Each image investigates some aspect of portraying the landscape and each has its own special memory.
Several paintings are pairs – one done in the morning, the other in the afternoon – often quite different. Even in the course of a day I’m developing a more selective, intuitive approach that better describes the world as I see and feel it than more detailed, literal depictions.